Quarto! is a strategy game I copied from a board game of the same name.
The object of this game is to be the first person (or computer) to correctly declare that there is a line of four pieces, each of which shares at least one attribute.
There are four attributes: shape (round or rectangular), height (tall or squat), color (white or grey), and plain or dotted.
Play is pretty simple. You can decide who goes first, or let the computer randomize (going first means choosing a piece for your opponent to place). A turn consists of two elements:
1. Placing the piece that your opponent chose for you. If this causes you to win, declare so now. Otherwise,
2. Choosing your opponent’s next piece to place.
If you do not declare your win, then when you choose your opponent’s next piece to place, he or she or it can declare the win. Similarly, if your opponent does not declare his or her or its win, you may declare the win when your opponent chooses a piece for you to place.
It is possible to have a tie game.
This computer game features:
• Complete undo and redo (at least, until the game is over).
• Sound and messages you can disable.
• Five levels of play
Things I haven’t implemented yet:
• It does not save or open games.
• It only allows computer vs. human play.
• You can’t review a game once it’s over.
Quarto! is freeware. Source code is freely available.